Tuesday, November 8, 2011


A couple weeks ago I watched a film called "Water: The Great Mystery".  This film explores the structure of water, and how the structure (not the chemical compound) changes based on the influences of emotions, sounds, words, temperature and so on around it.  The film sited Emoto Masura's work on the messages from water.  Masura has experimented with taping a word facing inward on a glass of water and then flash freezing it and looking at the crystals under a microscope.  When words like "thank you" or "love" or "beauty" are used the crystals are symmetrical and beautiful, when words like "hate" or "kill" or "idiot" are used the crystals are asymmetrical and unattractive.

The film draws a correlation to the spiritual or religious practices around the world and how everyone has a practice of saying "grace" or a prayer of thanks when eating a meal.  These words of gratitude could have an effect on the water molecules in the food.

After watching this film, I have been greatly aware of the water I am drinking and the food I am eating and being mindful to thank the water and the food for the sacrifice and gift that has been given for my nourishment.  This mindfulness has spread to being aware of the sounds emanating from the TV or car stereo and what those sounds may be doing to the water molecules in my body.  I am aware of the words I speak to others around me and what effect my words may have on the water molecules in others.

I have found myself smiling more, humming, dancing and even smiling at myself in the mirror.  I have noticed that I feel more alive, more awake and happier.  I am making conscious choices to be in love.  Knowing that allowing myself to be upset can affect the water molecules in myself and in those around me has helped me choose joy.

I am incredibly grateful for this film and I recommend it highly!

Be love, be in love, and love being!

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